1MEG 810 Introduction to Medical Geology (2CU) Definition, general concepts and sub divisions of medical geology, harmful geologic substances and processes (radioactive materials, heavy metals, toxic gases such as those associated with volcanic eruptions, harmful nano particles in the hydrosphere, lithosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere), beneficial geologic materials, GIS applications in Medical Geology
2MEG 811Geomedical Resources (3CU) Study of beneficial geologic materials, their occurrence, mapping, classification, exploration, and exploitation. Examples include mineral waters, medicinal waters, clays and muds, aerosols, and salts
3MEG 812Geomedical Diseases (3CU) Study of health conditions associated with rocks and minerals, their epidemiology, diagnosis, and cure/prevention, as well as their burden on the economy. Examples include silicosis, podoconiosis, asbestosis, fluorosis, arsenicosis, pneumoconiosis, and several kinds of carcinogenic ailments
4MEG 813Introduction to Toxicology (2CU)Study of toxic substances associated with geologic materials such as rocks, water, minerals, dust, and aerosols. Nano toxic materials in the environment
5MEG 814Public Health and Geologic Materials (2CU) Health Impacts of Climate Change - A Medical Geology Perspective, Health Impacts of Dust, Soils, and Clay, Health impacts of mining, Integrating Public Health, Earth Science, and Policy
6MEG 815Seminar (4CU) Stand alone as a practical course and test/application of modules taken in the first semester


1MEG 820Medical Geochemistry (3CU)Metals and Metalloids in Human Physiology – Essentiality, Toxicity, Bioavailability and Risk Assessment, Environmental geochemistry, Environmental toxicology, Medical agrogeology, Medical geobatany, Medical hydrogeochemistry, Trace analysis, Geomedical samples and Sample analysis
2MEG 821Medical Geohazards (2CU) Landslides, Tremors, Earth quakes, Tsunamis, Flooding, Mudflows, Rock falls, Volcanoes, Dust storms and Public Health
3MEG 822Balneology/Balneotherapy (2CU)Balneogeology, balneological resources, balneotherapy – inhalation, irrigation, bathing, and drinking therapies, cryotherapy, balneocosmetics, balneoeconomics, and balneotechnics
4MEG 823Medical Geology Issues in Africa (2CU)Particular diseases associated with geogenic and anthropogenic processes, especially mining and earth materials. Beneficial earth materials and the economic potentials associated with African geomedical resources
5MEG 824Veterinary Medical Geology (2CU) Impact of geogenic and anthropogenic earth materials and processes on animal health and wellbeing. These include harmful and beneficial effects
6MEG 825Thesis (12CU) Original Clinical/Field/Laboratory research work to be tested through an oral exam